RFI, RFP and RFQ Submissions
Please select the form that applies best to your situation. Some clients may require both an RFI and a pricing bid. If that is the case, please submit two forms. One for the RFI and one for the pricing bid.
The Marketing team will draft responses to questions posed in the RFI and RFPs and will loop in appropriate pricing resources for RFQs. You will have the opportunity to review the responses and bids prior to submission.
Please provide us with as much lead time as possible.
General RFI
I have a general RFI requesting basic company information about Sheer. This RFI does not include a bid or any lane pricing.
Bid / RFQ
I have a bid with multi-lane pricing. This can include multi-modal RFQs. Usually in the form of a spreadsheet or online format.
TMS / Managed Trans RFP
I have a request for proposal (RFP) specifically for TMS and/or Managed Trans solutions.