Sheer’s CTO Rob Cook sat down with SMC3’s CTO, David Knight, at the recent SMC3 JumpStart conference as part of their Leadership Series discussions. We are pleased to share the full video of their wide-ranging and engaging discussion which covers:
· Democratizing managed transportation
· Speaking the language of the customer
· Becoming a trusted advisor
· Separating hype from reality in logistics tech
· Increasing importance of cybersecurity
· Using predictive and prescriptive analytics to predict and recover from supply chain challenges
· Scope 3 CO2e emissions reporting: moving from a “nice to have” to a “must have”
· Calculating “emissions to serve”
· Why transportation data is as valuable to the CFO as it is the CSCO
· Playing offense on AI
· Horizontal vs. Vertical AI
· AI governance
· Building and maintaining culture in the era of remote and hybrid workforces